Final Grade Calculator

Calculate what grade you’ll need on your final exam to achieve a particular overall class grade. This tool will determine what grade (percentage) you need on your final exam in order to get a certain grade in a class.

Advanced Final Grade Calculator

This tool will determine what grade (percentage) you need on your final exam in order to get a certain grade in a class.

Your current grade is %
You want (at least) a % in the class.
Your final is worth % of your grade.
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How to Use the Final Grade Calculator

If you’re not a big video tutorial fan, follow this list of steps instead…

Select your current class grade

To begin, select your current class grade from either of the dropdowns (letter or percent). They’ll auto-adjust based on your input.

Select your desired class grade

Next, select your desired class grade (i.e. what you’d like to have at the end of the semester) as either a letter or percent.

Enter your final exam weight

Finally, enter the weight of your final exam as a percentage (e.g. 40 or 50). You’ll likely find this number on your syllabus.

Hit calculate!

Click the calculate button and let the magin happen. If your grade needed is over 100 you may need update your desired grade.

Tips and Tricks

While your final often makes up the largest portion of your class grade, treating it as a hail mary is not good practice. The best way to keep your grade high is to consistently study and do well on all the other assignments and exams throughout the year.

By providing yourself a buffer as the semester wraps up you’ll be less stressed and more likely to achieve high marks in your class. You can still ace your final, but to ace a class you’ve been slacking in you’ll either need a time machine, or better preparation next year.

Now, get back to studying! Or, if you’re in a procrastinating mood, check out our guide on How to Raise Your GPA.

Helpful Guides

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How to Calculate Gpa

Click the calculate button and let me magin happen. If your grade needed is over 100 you may need update.


How to Calculate Gpa

Click the calculate button and let me magin happen. If your grade needed is over 100 you may need update.

Calculate what grade you’ll need on your final exam to achieve a particular overall class grade. This tool will determine what grade (percentage) you need on your final exam.


GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator


GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator